Thursday 4 October 2012

We'll always have Paris

Hey lovelies!

Recently my friend Iona and I took a trip to Paris, to have an opportunity to use our French skills (or lack of..) We stayed with some lovely people, who were tres tres Francais, in the suburbs. Although slightly nervous towards the beginning of the week due to travelling alone, staying with strangers and being away from ma famille, it turned out to be a truly wonderful week.

Paris is an incredibly beautiful city, and it may sound like everybody says so, but it definitely is. If you haven't been I would more than recommend it. We were so lucky and managed to see so many beautiful things, from the Eiffel Tower to Sacre Coeur, from Notre Dame to the Louvre. Of course these places do include many a tourist, but it's incredibly hard to avoid them. 
-Insert the most touristic photo ever here-                                        
To get from one gorgeous place to another, we got the Metro, probably my favourite way to travel, ever. I've never really been sure why, but the Metro has always appealed to me. It just seems nicer than the tube (although pretty much the same) as a means of underground transport. 

Iona and I strolled along typically French streets, whilst licking our exotic flavoured ice creams (is it just me, or do the French have so much more choice when it comes to ice cream flavours?!), and dipping in and out of a whole range of lovely shops. All in all it was a fantastic trip, and speaking for both of us, I'm sure we'd love to go again! 

Rose x